Prof. (Dr.) Rama Prosad Banerjee


Thought Leader, Author, Chairman & Director – EIILM-Kolkata, India


An eminent academician, philanthropist, edupreneur and thought leader, Prof. (Dr.) Rama Prosad Banerjee is a prolific author and a pioneer in establishing Ethics and Values in Management academics. Over the course of three and a half decades, he has gathered a wealth of experience as an international educationist, teaching at some of the most prestigious institutions in the world. His remarkable work in the sphere of stress management, mother leadership, integration of Raj Dharma and Economic Emergence have created a lasting impact on management education. He is the Chairman & Director of EIILM-Kolkata, one of India’s leading business schools and Founder of EIILM-Kolkata Centre for Leadership and Ethics (EKCLE).


May 20, 2025 10:50 AM

Mother Leadership - The Leadership Model for Future of Work

The rapid pace of globalization demands the role of the transcended personalities as leaders of the collective. Mother Leadership offers a unique opportunity to the present breed of leaders to transcend from deficit driven fragmented beings to a holistic personality. It refers to a SELF-REALIZED leader with a long-term perspective that helps sustainability and promotes values. The focus, therefore, should be to sensitise and develop the leadership qualities which are otherwise dormant in individuals for the benefit maximization of the organization through:

  • Guna Dynamics and Doctrine of Karma for Perfection and Success in the corporate/professional field
  • Mind Engineering: this model is very effective for managing Stress and helps in effective strategy and execution
  • Spiritual model of Leadership for Corporate/professional success based on Eternal Indian Values that were lived by Sages and Kings of India in ancient period
  • Sustainability and value creation is another dimension that breeds corporate success in all situations
  • Developing spirit of holistic leadership towards creating a sustainable global system
  • Developing Duty orientation in corporate and professional life
  • Introspection exercise to develop mind power through blossoming of pure mind

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